Monday, 17 May 2010

Youtube Birthday, KB10 Near Anniversary, Subscribers and My Juggling Act!

So today was Youtube's 5th anniversary. It made me realize that I've almost been on Youtube for 3 years, and if Youtube continues to grow and prosper my channel will be seen as one of the old ones! Here's hoping, eh?

Anyway, what to blog about? I recently reached 200 subscribers on Youtube - if you are one of my subscribers reading this, thanks for subscribing! I feel that I don't say that nearly enough.

200 subscribers over almost three years - some people would say that's terrible, because there are some out there with over a million. But just think about it. Two Hundred individual people, living people like watching my videos.

Of course, if you have thousands this is like nothing to you >.< but still, it's a milestone I'm happy in achieving.

I've noticed that my subscriber count has actually gone up recently. This is probably because my channel is in fellonthedoorproject's featured channels box and he's quite well known, so if he's reading this, I thank him too!

I know I'm due to make a video. I was going to make one this weekend, but I got wound up in other things, and I'll probably not be making videos on weekdays because of school will have made me tired. Sorry!

You also have to realize that videos aren't the only thing I contribute to the internet - I'm also a person who's expected to make poetry, stories, artwork, be active on three different forums, be active on tons of games (I let people down alot there) AND I'm a fourteen almost fifteen year old doing his GCSE's!

So yeah, that's a lot to do. I should probably cut back a bit, but I don't really want to.

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