Saturday, 22 May 2010

Ratchet And Clank PS2/PSP Short Reviews

Ratchet and Clank was, I can easily say, the game series of my childhood. I loved (and still love) the heck out of it.

I was watching a few Let's Play's last night of Ratchet and Clank and realized how much I miss the series (I don't have a PS2 anymore, yet still have 100+ games.)

I now want a PS2 for my birthday.

So I decided that until then I'd write a review about the first five games (I'll be using the UK names!) which are:

Ratchet and Clank
Ratchet and Clank 2 - Locked and Loaded
Ratchet and Clank 3 - Going Commando (I think - it's been a while)
Ratchet 4 - Gladiator (Though because of the internet I now think of it has Deadlocked)
Ratchet and Clank - Size Matters (PSP one, though I heard they ported it to the PS2.)

Let's begin.

Ratchet and Clank 1:

Completed: Once

I first got this game when I was about seven. I wanted something completely different (and got it) but when I unwrapped this I thought it was going to be a pretty bad game (ironic, eh?).

When I started the game up and got into it, I found that I loved it more than the game I wanted (and got). I was in heaven.

However, like all games, I lost interest after a while and started playing something different. It wasn't until I'd completed number two that I went back and completed number one.

The gameplay was a good cross of platformer and shooter, with lots of creative enemies and levels. I liked how it could last a long time. But that was about it. Number one still isn't high up on my list of most loved games - it stilled seemed kind of ordinary.

Then Locked and Loaded came along.

Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded:

Completed: Four times, maybe more!

I might just as well tell you that this is pretty much my favourite game of ALL TIME. No kidding.

When I got Ratchet and Clank 2 and started playing it, my childhood was complete. Well, maybe I wouldn't go THAT far...

I loved how the weapons could upgrade, how the levels were still unique and the monsters still weirdly amusing. I loved the storyline, the jokes, the better feel this game had to it. I even loved Fizzwidget! (that last part was a joke, people.)

I completed this game so many times and would have gone on to complete it more if I still had a PS2.

Ratchet and Clank 3 - Going Commando:

Completed: Almost once.

This is the only game out of all five I'm reviewing that I didn't complete. It is also many people's favourite, but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on I don't like it as much as the rest.

I didn't like how weapons could upgrade five times - again, I don't know why. I thought they should change appearance every time they upgraded, I guess.

I got to the last level of this game, but then Gladiator came out and I kind of abandoned it.

Ratchet - Gladiator:

Completed: Twice

Many people don't like Ratchet Gladiator because it kind of "forgot it was a platformer".

I still loved it, but in a different way. I was growing up a bit by the time I got this game, so if it had been a couple of years before, I'd have hated it.

However, I still preferred this to number three. I liked the cage stages in 1 and 2, and this was pretty much all that and a few levels inbetween.

One thing I have to admit, though.

The look of that armour was badass.

Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters

Completed: Once

I got this for the PSP after my age of Ratchet and Clank. I found it awesome and refreshing, but it was kind of missing something. Some of the old Ratchet and Clank slipped away.

I think some other developers had a hand in this one (don't kill me if I'm wrong!) but this went back to the gameplay that Gladiator had forgotten.

I also found it a bit harder because halfway through my second play I got stuck.

And then lost the USD.

So there are my short reviews of Ratchet and Clank.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Youtube Birthday, KB10 Near Anniversary, Subscribers and My Juggling Act!

So today was Youtube's 5th anniversary. It made me realize that I've almost been on Youtube for 3 years, and if Youtube continues to grow and prosper my channel will be seen as one of the old ones! Here's hoping, eh?

Anyway, what to blog about? I recently reached 200 subscribers on Youtube - if you are one of my subscribers reading this, thanks for subscribing! I feel that I don't say that nearly enough.

200 subscribers over almost three years - some people would say that's terrible, because there are some out there with over a million. But just think about it. Two Hundred individual people, living people like watching my videos.

Of course, if you have thousands this is like nothing to you >.< but still, it's a milestone I'm happy in achieving.

I've noticed that my subscriber count has actually gone up recently. This is probably because my channel is in fellonthedoorproject's featured channels box and he's quite well known, so if he's reading this, I thank him too!

I know I'm due to make a video. I was going to make one this weekend, but I got wound up in other things, and I'll probably not be making videos on weekdays because of school will have made me tired. Sorry!

You also have to realize that videos aren't the only thing I contribute to the internet - I'm also a person who's expected to make poetry, stories, artwork, be active on three different forums, be active on tons of games (I let people down alot there) AND I'm a fourteen almost fifteen year old doing his GCSE's!

So yeah, that's a lot to do. I should probably cut back a bit, but I don't really want to.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

No Handlebars Definition

I know this won't make good reading, but I want to do it anyway.

As you can see, this is the song "Handlebars" by the Flobots. It came out a few years ago, but I've been meaning to do this for a while.

To me, this song is a story of how two friends part ways and live in different conditions. Some time later, they call each other.

For the purpose of this blog post, peaceful friend will be called Bob, and the leader guy Jim. Bob calls Jim telling him how great and peaceful his life is, and how he can be part of the community and have a fun time.

Jim then tells Bob about how profitable his life his, how he has presented products and ideas and moved up through the world to become a big businessman. Bob isn't too happy about this.

Later on, Bob sees Jim on the TV, dictating as a politician. He appears to be talking about how he can split an atom and how this is the way forward. He puts video camera everywhere and, in the video, knocks down the walls of peace.

This makes Bob angry, so he and his community band together to stop his old friend, now mad with power. They march through the city, and...

I'm not quite sure what happens at the end. Either Jim orders his men to shoot and sees Bob leading them just afterwards, or he sees Bob leading them, tells his men NOT to shoot but they disobey him.

Anyways, I think this song is meant to represent how life is turning out to be for some people. Well, with Barack Obama it looks like this will be averted... but in a way it's already happened.

For this reason I love this song.
And it sounds good too!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Polling Day

Well, today in Britain is polling day.

We have a choice - we can vote for:

Boredom Brown (Labour)
Davy Camcorder (Conservative)
Nick Pleb (Liberal Democrats)

I am not going to give out who I support on here, because I do not wish to start a politcal argument. God knows we have to many anyway.

I have to admit, I'm kind of annoyed at Youtube (tell us something we don't know) because they seem to be favoring the Conservatives - they have featured videos of David Cameron saying "Labour have failed" and whatnot.

I'm not annoyed because it's the Conservatives they favor - it's because they favor anyone at all! Youtube should not be biased!

But that's way down on Youtube's list of problems.
They are not in my good books at the moment (although I don't mind the new video layout.)

Because it's polling day, many ordinary places have been turned into polling stations - even one of my school buildings. But what puzzles me is how they making polling stations out of churches.

Isn't that blasphemous?
(Do not say the obvious.)

They even posted a poster saying "POLLING STATION" over a poster about Jesus. Imagine if a poster was saying, "Jesus died for your sins". It would become, "Jesus died for your POLLING STATION"!

In other news, I will be looking around blog designs and possibly changing this one.
Also, sorry I haven't posted a blog for a while.