Sunday, 16 August 2009

My Dream Youtube Blog Post

(This is fake and just what I'd really like to see one day.)

Hello Youtubians,

As you may well know, Google have recently sold Youtube to us, MadeUpName. You might be wondering what to expect from us.

Well, first off, we know how you're always asking for things to change and Google never takes any notice in what you're saying. So from now on, that's going to change. We'll have our eyes and ears open to any suggestions and feedback you're prepared to offer us.

Secondly, we're going to be bringing back features you've been missing. We'll give you the ability to swap between old and new channels at will (and before you tell us to get rid of the new ones entirely, there are some people who like them), we';; bring back bulletins and soon you should have the option to change the video from Widescreen to how it used to be.

Then, we'll be looking to add some new things, like allowing you to change the theme of the website, and the ability to add more modules to your profile. That's right, profile. Don't worry, you'll still have your channel, but now when you click a persons name, you'll be taken to their profile which will have modules, and a giant "Go to channel" button.

Lastly, when we get enough money, we'll be looking to remove advertisements and make more deals with WMG and UMG, so your videos don't get muted. Partnership will still exist, and Audioswap will also be available, along with annotations and everything else.

We're just aiming to put the "You" back in "Youtube".

Wouldn't that be the best thing that ever happened to Youtube? If anyone from Youtube staff is reading this, please take the giant hint. Not that we necessarily want you to sell Youtube to someone else who, let's face it, may fuck it up even more, but if you just did some of these things (I know you're hard pushed on the UMG/WMG deals) then people might stop hating you.

Thank you, and goodnight.

Oh wait, that doesn't work.... it's morning.... well goodnight anyway!

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