Thursday, 20 August 2009

Barry Swotter and the Bad-Ass Nits (HP6 Review)

/!\ ALERT! This blog post contains spoliers. ALERT! /!\
Including HP7 spoilers.

Made the spoof name up off the top of my head. So sue me. It was originally Barry Swotter and the Last of the Mints, but that makes next to no sense.

Anyway, I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince earlier today (wow, no surprise there), and, as you normally do after seeing a movie, I have some stuff to say about it, some good, some bad.

First off, they skated over the Dursley's again. Why have they been doing that recently? Well... maybe not in the last movie, but they missed them in the 4th. It's annoying when they do that, and I can't exactly explain why.

Secondly, they made it a bit obvious about some things. In the book, it wasn't revealed that Harry loved Ginny at all for a long time; Here, you can just tell by the way he hugs her at the beggining. They made the Hermione/Ron future relationship blatantly obvious, and the gave the Snape-is-a-double-agent-who's-pretending-to-be-a-double-agent-for-mouldy-Voldy-instead-of-Dubbledwarf thing a bit of a spotlight, too. (You could hear regret in Snape's voice when he Avada-Kadavra'd, he didn't treat Harry violently enough when he chased him, and Dumbledore gave a tiny, almost missable wink before Snape killed him.)

Big paragraph, sorry about that, know how you hate 'em.

I thought the start was a bit gloomy, but it was funny (at times) in the middle. Sad in the end. Many people cried. I didn't, but whatever. Felt cold, if that counts.

Also, I might be wrong here, but in my opinion it looked like alot of filming was edited out. The Harry hissy fit of You-let-Stinker-Snape-teach-when-he-told-Voldy-prophecy-that-turned-him-on-my-parents was ignored completely, as was Trelawney and the room of requirement.

Dubbledwarf is too serious.

"You have been reckless this summer, Harry." "O RLY?" "YA RLY, take mah wrist." "But mah dayte!" "Do wut I say, nub."

And the gloomyness at the start was a bit overkill, if you ask me. Especially the part where the camera's were flashing, and Harry was looking very sad. That failed, because when they recorded that his hair was flat, and in HP5 (the time the flashback should be) it's a little more ruffled.

I hate Harry's flat hair.

There's actually a lot of stuff they skated over in the film, although like I say, maybe it was too long. Hope they release an extended edition DVD. But there were no Defence Against Deadly Darts lessons. And in the Weasley Christmas scene, underage magic and no words were spoken! How did they learn that?

I hope the producers are reading this. It was a brilliant film, but alot of it was a bit... unstable with the facts of the book.

But they did kind of make up for it with the new christmas weasley scene, that was cool, even though it didn't look like Christmas. No snow. Or presents.

I hope they don't skate over as much in 7 & 8, or just 7, depending on whether it really will be split into two parts.

But overall, looking over all of the above, I thought it was a very good movie and enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm just one of those people who go nitpicking for mistakes. Can't help it.

Thanks for reading this review.

Some words you may not understand:

Barry Swotter = Harry Potter
Moudly-Voldy = Voldemort
Dubbledwarf = Dumbledore
Stinker Snape = Proffesor Snape, Harry. (Quote: Dubbledwarf, almost every book.)
Defence Against Deadly Darts = Defence Against Dark Arts

Oh, P.S: I loved, loved, LOVED the Pheonix Ending! Perfect way to close Barry Swotter's last year and Pigspots.

(+ Pigspots = Hogwarts)

The, END!

Of this blog post.



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