Logged in
Looked around
Went to bank
Took death costume
Left bank
Wore death costume
Walked around
Followed people
Stalked people
Scared people
"You're time has come"
Just watch em run!
Walked to Draynor
Walked to Falador
Walked to house portal
Someone went to house
I followed into house
House was bare
They had a scare
We talked a while
I took off costume
We became friends
We went to my house
Had a 'cupper'
Fired Rick
Hired Rick
Not really :P
Left house
I helped him finish quest
He helped me start the quest
He had to go
I finished quest
Got Broomstick of all things
Sweep with broomstick
Carried on walking
Teleported to Lumbridge
Went to cow fields
Killed cows
Met some people
We all killed cows
I bury bones
I take raw meat
I lend my weapon
I go to bank
"Be right back"
Chop down trees
Go to cow feilds
"Look I'm back"
Have a party
Have a dance
Light a fire
Cook the meat
Give the meat to a noob
For free
Kill more cows
Cook more meat
Kill kill kill
Meat meat meat
Cook cook cook
Leave those guys
"See you later"
Probably won't
Go to bank
Walk to Falador
Walk to desert
Went in desert
No money left
Nearly die in desert
Scrape up some money for waterskin
Make it back
Barely alive
Teleport to Falador
Look around once more
Log out.
Day 2
Logged in
Look I'm in Falador
Walked around
Went to bank
Deposited Death Costume
Took out
Rune Scimmy
Granite Body
Rune legs
Just to be safe
Went into dungeon
Killed skeletons
Killed ghosts
Found a turn off
Leads to chaos druids
These guys drop
Met some people down there
Talked while killing
Made friends while killing
Had a laugh while killing
Killing while killing
Must've been there 20 minutes
Walked to bank
Found out I'd made 40k down there
"Holy shiiit"
Went to Grand Exchange
Met a friend at Grand Exchange
Quest friend from yesterdays logs on
Use Grand Exchange
Sell Herbs for 30k in Grand Exchange
Bought a ring of duelling
Went to Mobilising Armies
Played the tutorial in Mobilising Armies
It was fun
Teleported to Duelling Arena
Challenged a level 90
Got owned
Challenged a level 101
Got owned
Challenge a level 64
Got owned
Now that's just embarassing (I'm level 64)
Challenged a level 71
Got owned
Went to the stands
Watched some duels
On the way down
What's this?
Very rare to find
Rush to bank
Get pickaxe
Join the other miners
Mine Mine Mine
Sweat Sweat Sweat
Took a screenshot:
Better be worth it
We crash down a layer
3 other people turn up
We crash down another layer
4 more people turn up
Mining party
Reach 200 stardust
That's the limit
Carried on mining
Got a mining level up
Level 44
20 minutes later
Burst through the last layer
Meet star sprite
Get reward from star sprite
Holy cow
20 gold ores
160 Cosmic runes
51 astral runes
Thanks star dude!
Took a screenshot:
People had left by then
Walked around a bit more
Had a fun time
Logged out
The End.
And now I'm gonna play more Runescape!!
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