Sunday, 28 June 2009

Wi-Fi Fun!

Sundays are awesome, but they aren't as good as Saturdays, because you have school the next day. Luckily for me, next week is Cirriculum Enrichment Week, you get to choose what to do and it's really fun. (Some people go to Paris!)

So last night I was up until 1:30AM playing Animal Crossing and then Super Smash Bros. Brawl (regularly switching between the two) with a friend.

I should be tired as hell, but I'm not. We just had a great time. Especially on ACCF.

We were just messing around. We ran to the beach, and he kept talking to me. I swung out my fishing net... and there was a SHARK in the water! Of course, I had no hope of catching it. They almost always swim away when you start pulling. When my friend saw what I was doing, he shouted, "HOLY SHIT!" I was laughing so hard (you had to be there). Then... I caught it! It was a hammerhead shark!!! I quickly saved, and it's a good thing I did - a few minutes later, it disconnected 0_o
We played an equal amount of time on Brawl. We kept trying team battles, 2v2, me and him vs 2 fairly hard CPU's. Half of the time one of us forgot to put the CPU's in. It was very annoying (but funny).
Back in Animal Crossing, he saw that I had 2 bellpoint machines in my house. He asked if I could duplicate/clone one for him. I said maybe another time. However, I later surprised him by sending it through the mail. When we switched back to AC again he was delighted and gave me 2 lightsabers (red and blue, hacked gold axes).
We were playing Brawl when he asked what time it was here. I looked at my watch - 1:30AM! "Shit, 1:30 AM, gotta go, bye!" That was kinda sudden, but I had to sleep sometime!

But earlier, in Animal Crossing, we were listening to K.K Slider - and here's a pick of my friend messing around when I was trying to watch a show! (As usual :P)

Overall, we had a very fun time. I hope we get to do it again sometime, I haven't had that much fun on the wii in ages! (Mainly because I usually play solo. He reminded me how awesome it is on multiplayer.) Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Post Frequency LessENS, RSS LessONS, and other stuff.

Okay, so today LinkBuilder invited me to write for his blog. I want to, but I don't play Runescape anymore - I can't. I dm'd him back telling him that, but adding I could write a few entries every now and again, seeing as I can play Runescape for about 20 mins per session on a good day, so we'll see what happens there.

Yup, it's official - the post frequency is lessening. You should no longer expect several posts a day, but instead 1 every couple of days, and even that might get worse. But isn't it better to have steady posts than 'binge' posts?

And now I'm going to tell you how to access my blog posts a heck of a lot easier in 5 simple steps:

1. Make sure you're using Mozilla Firefox. You can download that here.

2. In the bookmarks options, make a new folder in "Bookmarks Toolbar" and call it RSS.

3. Use the RSS button on the top right of this page and click the bottom one, which should be "Atom"

4. Save the RSS in your RSS folder.

5. Every day, click the RSS folder for the drop down, hover over what you've called this blog's RSS, and it'll tell you the name of any news posts I've made.

Simple. Please comment, thanks for reading.


I can't beleive I didn't notice this! I discovered it when I was looking at the picture above, at my blog titles. See my mistake?


Sunday, 21 June 2009

Best Animal Crossing City Fok Day EVER!

/luck on

I'm writing from email again. Why? No idea.

Anyway, I just went on ACCF for the father's day DLC, whatever it'd be, and Posty Pete turns up - with a Sandcastle?

There should be a picture of it. If not, I'll edit one in.

So then, I check my mailbox (which is blinking), and get 3 mails - one from a villager, one from me buddy mathew who gaves me a golden fishing rod (thanks!) and one from Dad. Not my real Dad, but a made up dad.

He gave me... flowers?

I think they're everlasting. We'll just have to wait and see on that part.

So I went to the town hall to see what was new, and to send off the picture in this blog, when I see old tortimer. I talk to him, and apparantly, it's midsummer day! And so I get an espresso machine - to keep me awake. -.-

I check the bulletins and find out there's a rare special item at nooks - a hamster cage with a hamster in it - and on the way there I catch a very rare butterfly!

Finally, I also buy an axe and throw it at Serena, hoping for a golden axe. She was in a bit of a PMT mood... you couldn't answer in a way that said you didn't hate her, and she stole my axe.

/luck off

Oh well. Thanks for reading! ^.^

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FireFox 3.5, Fan Mail reply, and Father's Day.

Okay, so a few minutes ago I had to reboot my system because I downloaded firefox 3.5 and I had to reboot to get it to instsall.


Anyways, I started it up and I'm not all that impressed. I've seen next to no changes, it now takes millions of years to laod up, and it's stripped every theme and addon except twitterfox from me!


It's not all bad. When it's loaded up, I have noticed an overall increase in speed, and it does seem generally nicer... but it's not what I was expecting.

At all.

How about this, mozzila: You find an update that stops my browser crasihng every time I try and go on something like a game or a HD video, and then I'll fall in love with you.

Moving on.

Yesterday, I went on Myspace. This isn't something I do very often. I went on there to write a mail to darren shan.

"Hey Darren, I'm not sure if you reply to fan mail over the internet, but what the hell.

Obviously, I'm a big fan, blah blah blah, you hear that all the time so we'll skip that part :P

I was at the [cencored] event back in May. I was one of the lucky people who got a ticket when another canceled. (Cancelled? Canceled? Dang.) I think it was really good. I asked you a question, too.

Too me, you're a better author than J.K. Rowling, R.L. Stine and Steven King put together!

Get off my keyboard... damn kitten... lol...

Oh yeah, the important bit. Advice.

I do some writing here on the internet. Small stories. Nothing serious. Well yeah, they're series, but whatever. No plotting or anything yet. Like I said, nothing serious.

But I'm starting to have doubts. I want to be an author when I'm older, but I feel that I'm aiming too high. Obviously, you can't tell without seeing my work, but my stories always seem to come to a dead end, get too... I don't know.

I guess I haven't found my writing style yet.

So I ask you - would it be better keep writing? Or go down a different road, like journalism or something?

-[Cencored Name]"

I got a reply from him! I've heard that he almost never replies to his myspace emails. He reads them, but doesn't reply.

" Every author struggles to find their voice when they start out -- it can take years to find it in some cases. Keep trying and believing and you WILL improve and get there in the end.


I admit, not much of a reply, but it was more than I had the right to expect.


Anyway, happy fathers day to all you fathers (or soon-to-be fathers) out there!

Saturday, 20 June 2009


You know what? I reckon I'd make an alright journalist. I DO have a way with words. It's the first time I've thought about it...

Ever since that tweet, I've been thinking about it more and more. It's true that I have a way with words. I'm not sure I have the ability to become an author. So why not a journalist?

I'm 14, and my school says it's about the right time to start thinking about career choices, before you start saying I'm too young to be thinking about it.

There are downsides though. There's no such thing as a "Part-time Journalist" and they don't get payed much. That annoys me, I'd have to place all my eggs in one basket.

Also, I'd have to be in a local newspaper. I don't like traveling. I get car-sick too.

It does sound like a fun thing to do, though. It's not something I'd go out of my way to make happen, but it sounds alot more realistic than setting out to be an author. I feel as if I've got a plan in life now.

The alternative is to work in a corner shop or something. That sounds nice, but I don't think it'd pay much. My teachers say I'm intelligent, but the problem is, I don't have many life skills. Aparrently, I have many options open for me. I don't think so.

Please comment if you read. Don't think someone else will. That's why no comments ever ARE made. It's annoying. Dammit, people.

You don't have to register to comment anymore.

New Blogees?

(I know this is the 5th post today, don't expect that all the time)

So, I was just thinking about how I can use email to write to my blog, and it made me realize - if I gave other people the email adress, they could post too. It'd come up as "Posted by KayBlue10" but as long as they put their name at the bottom...

A few things are holdin me back, though.

-What if the email adress leaked and everyone started posting?
-What about spelling and grammar errors?
-What the fuck would they even write about?

And of course, the posts might get too short and the blog might just derail altogether.

I'll keep thinking about it. I know who I'd actually hire if I did, that's a good sign. But I just don't have a clue they'd write about. This blog is called The New KayBlue10 Blog, and it's about my life. If they wrote about their internet lives, it wouldn't be a KayBlue10 blog anymore.

Hurm... indecision is the source of chaos...


I found out there's another way to add authors to the blog. There's a proper option for it. That tempts me even more.

Okay. Comment on this post if you want to be able to write on this blog. Be sure to tell me who you are (and your Twitter or Youtube if you have it). You'd have to follow these guidelines:

-Not too many posts...
-Use good grammar and spelling (no "u r gud bloggerz")
-Only talk about your internet life
-Don't make your posts too short or pointless

If you can follow these rules, comment, or dm me on twitter with your gmail address. I'd prefer gmail, but I think it'll work with other emails too...

Short: The Future (and some talk about it)

Well, here's what happens when I get bored. Mindless entertaintment. Beautiful, isn't it?

Okay, okay, I have to talk about this video, don't I? Okay... let's see.......

Oh! Due to xtranormal's update, I can make videos in 5 out of 6 of the worlds. So I went to the website to check it out.

I didn't even mean to make a video. I just saw this and type in a few things, to see what it'd be like. Then it developed. It was only a half-hearted project, that's why the camera only changes angles 1 time.

However, it is the longest and maybe the best short I've made. Result!

Email Post!

How cool is this? I can post from email!

I'm also supposed to be able to post from my phone, but the world's cruel and I can't do that. Why?

Well, my phone only allowed me to add contacts with phone numbers. I can't send a message if it isn't to a contact. And I can't make a number up and send an email to it, because the text will go to the phone instead.

So I can't blog from wherever I am, unless I have my PSP on me. See, I can go on the internet with my PSP. Not very good though. It can't play videos.

I'd be able to blog from my wii, if I had the internet channel (which I'm 200 points/800 club nintendo stars away from, dang).

Why do I want the wii internet channel so much? I don't actually know. I know I want it because I could play Youtube videos on it, and I wouldn't have to wait 30 fucking minutes for my computer to start up if I just wanted to watch some Youtube videos.

Anyhow, I don't really see the point of email blogging unless you've lost your password or something like that. I do think it's pretty cool though.

I wonder if email smileys work in blogs? I guess we know now.

Well, it's been a pleasure blogging from email when I could just blog from blogger anyways, although it does feel a bit nicer to blog from email. Thanks for reading, please comment if you did so I know that I have at least one reader.

Beyond Hotmail - see what else you can do with Windows Live. Find out more.

Advertisement for this blog!

Yeah, I just did a little advertisement to increase traffic here... I don't think it'll work though. Apparantly, people "Don't like following blogs."

The New Blog Is Up!

KayBlue10 here, AKA KrazyK095. My YouTube is here and I have over 210 videos.

My old blog didn't stay on for very long. Heck, this one might not either. You can still see the old blog at where I fucked it up royally.

I'm not sure if I'll forget about this one too. I think I forgot about the old blog because I made it so that I HAD to update it. That might be why I gave up.

This one should be a hobby, to update whenever I feel like, about whatever I want. I won't go into my life story or anything, and I'll keep it (mainly) to the internet.

I'm hoping to post some of my videos from youtube up here and talk a little bit about them. That might not happen, but whatever.

I'm also hoping that I'll have more people reading this blog. I had just about 0 reading my other. I won't mind if I don't get any readers now, and I'll still update if I don't, but I'd rather I got the readers to be honest.

This won't be updated every few minutes, I'll tell you that for sure. If this isn't update for weeks, months or a year, don't give up on me, I might decide to start it off again.

If you haven't guessed, I'm in a typing mood.

What I really want is a blog like Hobbs' from WoW and Youtube. I think his blog is but I can't be sure. But he posts his videos up there, talks about them, and has alot of readers. He only talks about WoW, but whatever, you get the general idea.

That's all for now. For all I know, I'll post another post in a minute. Whatever. Bye! And thank you for reading!!